Answer to the last quiz Toni Gorgot – Brett was in quickly as usual! followed by Harlow.
Quiz today Who is this? Yes he raced a Bultaco when he started.

We missed a few birthdays yesterday – Katie McG – Larry Bastedo, Keith Simmons (Yamaha Canada and the guy who smuggled our Team all the jersey’s and caps when we went to the ISDE in Wales) – Darrell Heidrick -Paul Throssell – and maybe some others. Hope you all had a great day. – Here is shot of Katie, we wish her all the best on her birthday – she has come a long way since getting her first Beta .

There has been a lot of posts recently regarding Fuel Injection on Trials bikes – the Pro’s and Con’s etc – But one thing that might have been missed, is that Keihin carbs have now been fitted to the bikes we sell (Beta and TRS) – for at least ten years, (Beta) – and it may interest people to know, that we don’t need to touch them after uncrating – perhaps the idle but and that is it. – Now obviously as an old guy, we have seen a lot of different carbs on bikes – and yes they did take some understanding, but we were able to solve the issue at high altitude on the 1975 TY 175 and since then – the carbs have improved big time.
They start 1st or 2nd kick all the time and run perfect. – Simply put we have not jetted a carb for decades. – ( Unless a customer is riding at high elevations like Donner or the Ute Cup – over 11,00 ft) –
We have never needed to change anything any of the 8 times we have been up Joss Mountain (elevation 7800ft) and have had an Evo 200 up above Trout lake at 7,00ft with only a slight turn on the air screw needed. So while new inventions technology is good – ie Electronics replacing points ignition. – We believe in that old saying – “If it’s not broke – why fix it?”
Here is a pic of young George Hemingway World Champion on a Beta 125 and yes a regular carb!! – I rest my case.

“We understand Trials”
Now to be clear – we are not against any new technology, as long as it works and is fool-proof. – Holy Moly, we have seen a lot of changes in our time – from rear suspension, liquid cooling, hydraulic clutches to name a few. – Yes we have ridden a lot of bikes through the past 71 years!!! But for me personally the best “New” invention on a Trials bike – is the Electric start, on the TRS, especially if I want to ride a big bore. The main thing we advise new people is – if you want to buy a Trials bike – buy from a “Trials” dealer – you will save yourself a big headache.
Good news from Team Shuswap on the “Dibs & Dabs” Trial , it will go on Sept 28/29. – This will take place at there property and we have posting directions. This is definitely one Trial not to miss – The camping and everything at this location is brilliant. One thing we should mention, is please go slow on Bischoff road – its gravel and we don’t want to upset the neighbors. All usual classes will be catered to with “Sensible” sections. ( I will check!!!)

With the cooler weather and a long weekend coming up – we hope everybody gets out for some riding, However, even after the rain, please remember that the forest is still very dry and if you plan on riding in Popular areas – be aware that long weekends are a time when Law Enforcement people like to park and check for #1 – BC Registration #2 Personal Liability Insurance AND Spark Arrestors.
This is a great section – unless you are the “Hop & Bop Crowd”
