“Oh it’s a long, long while, from May to December -and the days grow short, when you reach September – and the Autumn weather turns the leaves to shame – but I haven’t got time – for the waiting game”
Many older folk will recognize the words of that song – so true – but what a year this has been, with weather so unpredictable , too hot with fires everywhere, and now the summer is gone.
We hope all our readers had a good riding season in spite of these conditions and to be fair, we have always preferred riding in the Fall, when the forests are cooler with all the leaves in changing colors.
Although we did plan a ride this long weekend – the very hot + 30 temps forecast, have had us decide to play it safe and stay inside, perhaps watch the golf. ( old bodies don’t like the heat)
Yesterday we had a nice visit with Emily, who we have not seen for a while – she brought along her three legged dog, which was nice, as Babs and myself love animals. – Emily brought us up to date with all the latest news, she is certainly a very busy young lady. – Good to hear her Mum & Dad ( Editors of Motorcycle Mojo mag) will soon be living in Vernon.

Answer to the last quiz – Charles Coutard – an unusual shot of him on a Montesa at a World round in Ireland – Charlie was usually on a Bultaco.
All our usual bloggers got it – they are all getting really smart, hard to beat them!!
Quiz today – Who are these guys being “Piped in” at the Scottish and what year??

Here is a neat pic of a RAF Jet doing what they term a Mach swoop, through the Welsh Valleys – A favorite place for spectators on a Sunday afternoon. – note the sheep – who are likely used to this by now.