Wednesday September 18th/24

Answer to the last quiz – Bill Wilkinson at the SSDT section Devil’s Staircase – correct guesses by Brett and Bob.

Quiz today – name these guys.


We have heard from Walter Cukavac with news of a fun Vintage Trial they put on in conjunction with the Edmonton MX club, he also sent some pics, – nice to see some Trials interest in Alberta again.

Note ! – The old Sherpa T with the radial head belonged to Al Lindquist from Calgary and was ridden by his son. – Al competed in some of our Calgary Club Trials in the early 70’s. on that bike.


The above story is encouraging because it features what the sport of Trials is always about – a bunch of riders out having fun.

I just clicked onto Bernie Schreiber’s post on the Trials Guru page – here is one short clip


Times have changed and the word reliability has been removed from the sport of outdoor Trials in both World championship and most National Championships. The sport has changed, but so have the rules. The success of participant trials will always take place with traditional rules like the Scottish Six Days or classic events, with non-stop and no assistance (minders) rules in my opinion.


Bernie makes a lot of points in this article, and hits the Trials nail firmly on the head – The FIM changed the rules to suit big money sponsors, hence the term “Circus Trials” – they changed the rules for outdoor events, to suit the man made obstacles of Indoor events.

( We all know how the Honda influence effected the 4 stroke rule of 2005 – another big flop which cost the small enthusiastic factories big money)

Bernie goes on to say that events like the Scottish Six Day Trial, will always be the Trials “Plum” – and other similar long distance Trials utilizing natural terrain is the only way for Trials (and factories) to survive ( Actually I said that last bit) – – Top riders are dropping like flies from the costly FIM Series totally turned off by both the cost and the good possibility they might get hurt, in a sport that they took up for fun. ( Jack Price – Toby Martyn the latest) – On the Plus side – we now have three British World Champions – I wonder what they think?

Obviously, it is not all doom and gloom – we have lots of Trials clubs around the World, who still host “English type” Trials – this includes Canada and the USA – However, if the small factories are to survive – they need to sell bikes, and if the would be buyer thinks Trials is all about Hop & bop – Well, chances are they might take up some other sport.

If you want to know the rest of what Bernie thinks – click onto the Trials Guru website.


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