Answer to the last quiz – Famous Amos Bilbao – a few correct responses on this by all our regulars. Harlow, Brett, Bob, Stan and Pete Varey. – plus John Dearie
Quiz today – Who is this rider ? and where was the pic taken?


A nice shot of a 2017 TRS at 8,000ft

How I like to remember Adam Raga !!!

It seems they held a special event in Edmonton recently to remember Bob Work and Steve Baker at a local dealership – here is Steve with Brian Rolls, who worked at Yamaha Canada back in the day, and built this beautiful replica to show off – This was also at the Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame held in that city when Steve and Bo were inducted in 2016 – I was at that event. ( see pic below)

Today will be busy loading the van for the early morning trip tomorrow to the Trial in the Shuswap !!! –