Saturday September 28th/24

So here we are all ready for our last Trial of the year, leaving early for the beautiful Shuswap. – However, I have to say that it was a struggle for me to load the van yesterday – old age etc – it wasn’t easy – I needed to take a lot of breaks. – Of course even though we try to anticipate what people might need or break – there is a limit to what we can take. (That rhymes)


Answer to the last quiz was Wayne Woloschuk from Ontario – a three time Canadian Champ, but not sure if he ever came out West. ( bit like John Ranger) – – Bob Clark got it first – then Stan – who remembered he took Wayne’s title – a few others Pete from Ontario and a couple of other lucky guesses !!

Quiz today – Guess who!!


Here’s one not many have seen before – myself and my two brothers and our Dad at our Sisters wedding – Don my elder brother on my left in the pic died just over a year ago – he rode Trials with me back in the day, but was an accomplished pilot. – my other brother Doug, is still alive and turns 91 in November.


Not Trials – but a bit of history when Road Race bikes had full fairings

This is Carlo Ubbiali in the 1957 125cc TT in the Isle of Man – Yes I was there to see this – absolutely amazing. – especially when Trials great Sammy Miller passed both him and Provini in the 250 race only to have his bike seize on the last corner at Governor’s bridge. – ( Wish I had a video of that pass – brilliant)


We have heard that some people are having trouble clicking onto the blog – totally understandable as we have been getting an average of 100 Russian spams every night – ( you can imagine what I feel) – Anyway our web master Bob Johns is now back from his vacation and working on it –


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