Wednesday October 9th/24

Answer to the last quiz – Johnny Britain – Royal Enfield a top rider in the 50’s – correct guess’s from Brett and Harlow. plus Peter from OZ.

Quiz today – Who is this Beta rider?


Yesterday I hooked up my old vcr and played one of my VHS tapes from the 1990’s – this one had quite a selection on it – starting with a Speed Vision film about the Ice Ride that Paddy Horan and his buddy Mike organized to take some treats up to the school kids in the far North via the winter ice road. – (they wanted me to go but I declined as the extreme cold really bothers me) I did give them some Outlaw Bakpaks to hand out to the school kids up there and you do see these plus Paddy wearing one of my Outlaw Toolbelts – the guy who ran those TV shows Larry Huffman was also on the trip, and it’s neat to see what they did.

Next up on the tape was a weekend Trials Practice at the Ponderosa with Barry, Luke, and Joe. – After that we had film of a Vernon Trial with lots of the old gang including Heather Wall and others who no longer ride. – Then finally a great practice session at Summerland – where I had set up some sections to challenge the lads (no gals that day ) in old fashioned type sections – Taff and Steve Richardson, plus Banjo Bobby, Paul Throssell, Joe, Luke, Gar Hatton, and Ted Pepperdine – all learning (or trying) correct techniques. – ( Would be great to put some of this on You Tube if I could figure out how) – I shot all the film with my old fashioned (now) video camera. – Believe me this is really neat to watch – no big 12 ft walls, just sections that taxed the ability to make tight turns and cambers on different ground conditions – from loose dirt to small rocks, with a few larger rocks, trees, and steps thrown in.- And of course the odd uphill!!

Sadly only Taff has still continued to ride Trials, and now even he only rides a couple of times a year. – I sometimes wonder how many new riders we could attract, if we still did more to advertise the same fun practice days.

( Kudus to all who continue to promote Trials )

Psst !!! How about more Vintage events in Canada !! – We had quite a few back in the days when we promoted with WTC – in Europe ( I know you have heard this before) these events are bigger than anything else 700 entrees in Spain, a ballot needed just like the Scottish.

We know there was an Vintage Trial at Ioco last Sunday, but we have not seen any information or posts from this.


We always talk a lot about the Scottish Six Day trial on our blog which to us, is the ultimate in Motorcycle Trials. – An event started over 100 years ago and still going strong using many of the same sections and certainly a lot of the same terrain in the highlands.

However, I wonder how many of our readers have ever been to Scotland or can visualize the nature of the terrain. – I thought I would post this map to show just where it all happens in relation to the big Cities. – click onto Fort William because that is the place it all happens, the first week of May each year.


Looking back – We held a lot of really good Trials at Bear Creek back in the day – no hassle ! – We have not been down there for a very long time and although I’m sure that things are looking better now than when Shayne Bridden took this pic – but this was and likely still is a fantastic place to ride Trials. – Don’t forget my saying “There is a Trials section hidden behind every bush”


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