While looking through old files for quiz pic etc – I came across these black & white prints of a series I took many years ago when we lived on the hill overlooking the Vernon airport – The local Sky divers all jumped, but one chute failed to open -(see top pic) – luckily the reserve one did. (pic 3- he then unhooked the other one) – The prints have a lot of crap on them – not sure where I would have the 35mm negs – shot with Pentax and 300mm lens. from our Patio.

Answer to the last quiz – John Reynolds on the Reg May 6 speed Sherpa T ( info from Brett) – He was first in – then Stan- Bob & Harlow
Quiz today – Who is this on a Mont and what is the section? ( Pic sent in by Peter LeGrove in OZ)

They had a Trial in Ontario last weekend here is a good shot of a nice section, but don’t know who the rider is.

New issue now on line.

Roger Boothroyd has just posted his latest Newsletter for the Victoria Club – It is very long and full of info – must have taken a long time to type up – not many would take the trouble to do this. click on to the VMC website to view.
Yesterday we heard from Patrick Morrow in Japan – he is just one of our readers from around the World. – John Kitchener emailed with news that the UK Trophy Team are out of the ISDE in Spain.