Answer to the last quiz – Dave Thorpe on the CCM – correct guess’s from Pete Varey, Bob Clark , Brett Clark, Harlow and Walter Cukavac.
Quiz today Who is this?

Awesome result from the ISDE for our Vet team – lets not forget that Mark Cahill was the Canadian #1 Trials rider a few years ago.

The Girls also did really well with a 3rd place on the podium. here is a pic of Kathy Tobin and team support crew.

For all you Facebook fans out there, Big John Moffat has a website called TrialsGuru .ca – and he recently asked me to send him my story regarding moving to Canada etc and my involvement with motorcycle sport. –
In the write up – I forgot to mention, how I came to be known as Outlaw Dave – This was back in 1987 when I started selling ATV loading ramps for a company in Kamloops run by an old Yamaha buddy -Jim Small – We were selling so many across Western Canada, that Jim suggested I start up my own business – but what to call it? – after chatting about this over a couple of beers!! we decided on Outlaw Accessories ( his idea) – as he thought this would fit well with future planned products such as MX clothing.
As the orders started coming in and we expanded into other products – I would answer the phone by saying – “Outlaw “- Dave here!!! – and that is how the name stuck.

Are YOU thinking of getting into Trials?? – Well we have one of the best bikes on the market for sale – It’s a brand new Beta Evo 200 and it’s going at an all time low discount – call us for more info.
