Answer to the last quiz – Bultaco Boss – Paco Bulto on the Alpina model – quite a lot of correct answers on this one.
I recall the first time this model came out – our Calgary Club President – Ron Mallet bought one, and offered me a test ride on the bike one Sunday while we were out near Bragg Creek Camping – Well I took it for a bit of a blast down the road, before shooting up the hill into the camp area, unfortunately when I pulled this big wheelie – the twist grip came off the handlebar in my hand!!! I won’t tell you what happened after, but it wasn’t pretty.
Quiz today. Who is this Trials rider? and what event ?

Over the years, we have travelled to a lot of different places promoting Trials – These pics are from the Midway area of BC – the hillside on the right is the other side of the Canada/USA border.

A bunch of local riders from Grand Forks and Kelowna – none ride anymore.

an old SSDT program – back in the 50’s, there used to be two main weekly Motorcycle magazines – Motorcycle and Motorcycling – both later closed shop.

As most of our bloggers know, we have been a huge fan of the Beta Evo 200, since in first came on the market – it is a brilliant bike for a wide selection of abilities. Here is a pic I took of Kolten Morrison on one of ours a few years ago – we also supplied the super Wulf riding gear which we still sell and wear. ( Note Kolten’s dog on the right)
