Last day of the month and we have a feeling snow is not far away!!
Answer to the last quiz Geoff Duke on the Gilera – Duke began as a Trials rider working for the Norton Factory and did well, also competed in scrambles, before road racing and victory in the TT – he eventually signed with Gilera, when the Italian 4 cylinder bikes began to take over. – A very quiet modest man Duke went on to own a Hotel in the Isle of Man after retiring from racing. As reported earlier I remember him passing me in a very tough muddy Time Trial back in the day, he was on a special factory Ariel 250 prototype – he won.
A few people got this Pete Varey, Harlow and Peter from OZ.
Quiz today. Who is this young Trials rider?

Although we are heading into the winter months – Roger Boothroyd reminded me that the VMC still have a few Trials scheduled for this year, including the CMA National. –
I noticed that Toby Martyn won the USA NATC Championship a couple of weeks ago, which is something, although brilliant for him, should not be allowed in my opinion. I believe that all National Champions, should reside in the Country where the events are held. – ( fine to have a separate Pro class) – Bringing in a “Ringer” just to promote a certain brand, is not the way to go IMHO. ( I know some might not agree)
I laughed when I saw this pic of Loris Gubian posted – just look at the expression on his face – !! He looks terrified. – I’m sure this is quite common with some of the stuff they put in the World rounds these days.

Although we are headed into the winter season – this might just be the best time to buy that new Beta or TRS – but only a few left now, call us if you are interested. We know that the 2025 bikes will be both limited and prices will be up. due to freight going crazy.