Answer to the last quiz – A young Adam Raga – correct responses by Roger Boothroyd, Harlow and Brett.
Quiz today Who ? Where/ and what bike? – Hint pic by Outlaw Dave

Just a reminder that our website is still being updated with all the new 2025 Beta Evo pics and info – However, we still have this fantastic Evo 200 for sale, likely the best bike for at least 50% of new Trials riders. – And don’t forget Beta have been in the Motorcycle business for longer than any other manufacturer today. – Plus we have most of the parts you are ever likely to need in stock.

Below is the 2025 Evo with new suspension.

Remember it was on a Beta that Jordi Tarres, and Dougie Lampkin won their first World Championships – Toni Bou started on a Beta, and the current World Junior Champion George Hemingway rides a Beta. – If you want to get BETTER – ride a BETA.

Now of course, Jordi has gone on to build his own bike – no doubt using a lot of what he learned from his Beta days. –
Suffice to say that we love both the Beta and TRS brands – they are full of heritage and a sound background in the sport of Trials, while others have come and gone, we think both these brands will be around for a very long time, which is great news for the Trials enthusiast. ( we have been selling Beta since 1993 and TRS since they came on the market in 2016)
End of Sales pitch!!!
Well Actually I will mention another story – although we began selling Beta in 1993 – we did not actually ride them until 1996 – – back then we were on Gasser, because the 94- 95 were pretty good. – However in 1996 we were out practicing with our buddy Barry, who was on Beta and he was “cleaning” this one slippery section that I could not get through on the 96 Gasser. – “Try this” he said and that was how I became a Beta rider – !! – Obviously as a GG dealer we still test rode all the new models and the 2002 Pro was a breakthrough for that brand, but sadly for us it was also the start of a horror story with the new design failing in so many ways, that we were glad to see the back of them in 2005.
We are always posting pics of events from the old days of brands that were brilliant but did not survive because of poor business practices or failing to update designs. – Plus of course the Spanish way of controlling factories – too many unions.
The bottom line ( as the Japanese found out ) the Trials market is very small and always will be. -Simply put, there is no money in Trials for a regular Motorcycle dealer – they operate on volume ! and in the Trials market – that simply isn’t enough to warrant stocking parts or even training staff on the sport.
Not that it’s all doom and gloom – in the UK the Sport is still doing reasonably well – with “Trials Only” dealers who cater to the club rider, wanting to simply have a fun day out. – But the huge shift to Vintage Trials in Europe is interesting.
Finally – nice to see that Mick Andrews is a Trials Guru VIP – seen here on an ex John Surtees Matchless . (pic by Rick Wood)
