This date is remembered by most people from the UK, as “Guy Fawkes Day” -The imfamous “Gun Powder Plot” and a time when bonfires are lit and fireworks light up the sky. – However this year, it might be remembered for another reason in Political History – we can only wait and hope for the best outcome, ( and no we are not a Trump fan)
Answer to the last quiz a young Toni Bou – the most successful Trials rider on the World scene ( if you discount Sammy Miller) – a few correct answers, Brett, Bob, Steve ORorke, Roger Boothroyd were all in quickly. We should also mention that Peter from OZ also correctly guessed Brian Povey in the previous quiz.
Quiz today – guess who

Another pic from our Sunday ride – this spot has a sign saying “David Jones lookout” – no idea who that is or was, but with a name like that, he has to be a Welshman, – a picnic table there.

Now it’s Fall and not many good riding days left – It’s a good time to service your bike , maybe pick up another one for next season, we see that there are still a few left over Beta’s at big discounts. call us if you need more info. Also time to plan Christmas gifts for the trials rider in your life – We have lots of gear in stock, all at great prices.

Finally – we see Bob has updated our header page, with the new 2025 Beta models – Thanks bob – they look great.