Answer to the last quiz Bob Underhill on a Bultaco – Bob was a top rider back in the day, and rode MX as well as Cross Country and won Gold in the ISDT. An accomplished musician, Bob worked for Allied MC back in the 70’s.
Correct responses from Harlow and Jack Chant.
Quiz today Guess who?

The National Trial goes today in Victoria, but it appears the weather will not be good – We wish all the riders especially our local gals, a great fun filled weekend.

A few days ago, we posted our opinion on “outsiders” winning the Canadian National Championship – Here are some old results that show Chris Tronnes should have been crowned the National Champ.

We have added a bit more to the Sammy Miller story – with pics from an early Program we printed up for the Calgary Club.

As you can see we had the local shops advertise and this paid for the printing – the ones listed are long gone.

And here is the map we printed in the FIM Program for 1975 – the route was 69 miles long.

Obviously we put a lot of effort back then in promoting our Trials in a professional way – but the programs also became a “Keep sake” for competitors. – ( Now everything is done on line – which I think is a shame)
Hard to believe this was posted 20 years ago, but I’m certainly glad to still be riding, although my last trip up “the Mountain” was on my 75th birthday with Stan. ( 12 years ago) Not sure if Trials Central is still operating, as I have not clicked on it for quite a long time – seems they were getting a lot of Keyboard Warriors on the forums at that time.