Answer to the last quiz Wayne Woloschuk – Correct answers from Bob-Brett- Harlow and Pete Varey.
Quiz today – Who is rider?

If any of our bloggers happened to read about my life on the Trials Guru site, they will have seen that it was the BSA Bantam, that first got me hooked on Motorcycles. – This was a copy of a German DKW and sold in the thousands after World War Two. –
Marketed as a a low cost bike for transportation, it was soon used in Trials format, with a rigid rear end. – Later models saw a 150cc version and also rear suspension. – However these bikes had lots of competition from a variety of Villiers powered models, so the Bantam only became really popular as a competition model, with the introduction of Vintage Trials. – ( Although we did see Brian Stonebridge racing a 150 tuned version at Hawkstone Park – that thing fitted with a CZ style expansion chamber, was a rocket)

Most of the Bantam’s used today in Vintage Trials, have a lot of changes, both to the engine and the frames/suspension.

Below is a pic of 3 time World Trials Champ -Yrjo Vesterinen with a Bantam. As you can see it bears little resemblance to the 1953 model.
