Tomorrow is the last CPTA Trial of the year at Ioco. Sponsored by Mountain Motorcycle, of Coquitlam.

Unless you have been hiding under a rock for the past year – you will know that things are not good in the Recreational Business – The latest bad news, has Arctic Cat in big trouble, and also KTM./GasGas/Husqvarna.

Of course the World economy is in the toilet and people are struggling to make ends meet, Sooo ! the first thing that gets chopped is the “Toy” market – remember that the large Japanese factories plan 4years ahead with their marketing strategy – which does allow for some corrections, however back in 1981 Yamaha had planned on building 3 million Motorcycles, in order to compete for the number one world market share, ahead of Honda. – Then we had a recession and a disaster for Yamaha, with tons of bikes left in warehouses.
It would appear that Yamaha learned from this – and have now dropped their snowmobiles – a lesson learned. – However, it appears that whoever is doing the forecasting for Bombardier, and Artic Cat, definitely got it it wrong, as did KTM – the expression Buy Buy Buy often means “go broke” with large corporations. ( History usually repeats)
Being in the small Trials market, most factories may ride out this storm – but don’t be surprised to see the doors locked at some regular dealerships if my forecast is correct. – We are without a doubt, in very tight times financially.
The quiz yesterday was an easy one for most – Brett Clark on his vintage Sherpa T. – and the only correct response – Brett Clark now on vacation in Spain.
Quiz today – Guess who.
