Answer to the last quiz – Tony Scarlett on a early Gasser- Correct responses from all our usual bloggers – Brett clicking in early from Spain!! – followed by Bob, Harlow & Stan.
Quiz today – Who is this TRS rider high up in the mountains?
Hint he is a world class rider but not in Trials.

Yesterday we had visits from our two Beta Gals, Emily then Katie – nice to have them stop by and tell us about their latest exploits at the CMA National. – Emily brought her 3 legged pooch for Babs to fuss over. Both of our ladies have made a huge effort with their Trials this year, especially Katie, we are very proud of them.
Later it started to snow, no huge amount, but at 5 30 am today I heard the familiar sound of the snow plow going by on Pleasant Valley road- Hmmmm! Think the riding season might be over for the old guy, – not like years past when we were out in all weathers. the pic below was taken at Bear creek, when only Big Gerry from PG and myself made it up to the top ridge on the Beta’s – we always found the Italian bikes superior to anything else in these conditions.

Not trials, but a recent pic of our old friend Don Galloway from Edmonton leading the pack at a USA Race track – Don worked at Yamaha Canada for a while back in the day, but has been a part owner of Cycle works for many years.

We recently posted a pic of John Jones as a quiz question – Here he is on the cover of the program we did for one of our big events in Alberta. – The section is called Edramucky in Scotland, not used anymore ( land issues I think)- we still have a lot of this old memorabilia.

Here is another great poster from a time when Jordi Tarres was king.

nice to see Trystan Hart on top of the box in Endurocross – We sold a Beta Trials bike to him a few years ago to help him fine tune his skills for these tough events – he practiced with Sammy king quite a lot.

We can only hope that with all the turmoil surrounding KTM, that he still gets his pay cheque.