As expected, we got our first taste of winter snow on Saturday, nothing to worry about, but a sign that perhaps our riding season is done. – We have not yet seen any posts on the CPTA trial that went yesterday, but I doubt anybody from our area ventured over the pass.
Answer to the last quiz Road racer and 2021 World Champion, Fabio Quartararo – only Brett posted on this – in fact he had looked up the answer and got it in almost before I finalized the blog!!
Quiz today Who,? where? and what bike?

Below is one page of the Costa Brava entry, which goes next weekend – You will see the name of our buddy Harry McKay but also Dale Malasek – Dale used to be a regular in USA Trials, both as a rider and a video maker. Total entrees were trimmed to 400 !! by ballet.

Here is another great Neil Sturgeon Photo from a UK Trial last weekend – Neil is out in all weathers and posts really good pics.
He is a fan of Natural sections such as the Scottish Six Days etc

Here is an old poster we had made up when we had both Sammy King and Sean Bird riding Beta
The contact info on the bottom is still the same for people wanting bikes or parts.
