Answer to the last quiz — Peter Gaunt on the Jefferies Honda – Bob got it as did Pete Varey and Peter from OZ – Brett also on his 2nd guess!! followed by Harlow.
Quiz today Guess who?

Still no snow on the backyard – so yesterday I decided to give the 2023 Evo 200 ( still new) a put -put around – only time we have ridden this bike all year, and to be honest I had forgotten just how good these are – In the UK they call them the best clubman bike and for good reason – simply put they are brilliant and of course I should know because I have been riding them now since they first came on the market. – I put one of my cameras on the back step and took a short video, which I then copied on my computer screen, so quality is not great. However what is more important, is that the ten- fifteen minutes I spent riding around the yard plus in and out the trees, was better than any tonic for an old guy. – ( I even put on my Trials Guru VIP cap) – Yes I think we will keep this bike.!!

It appears Miquel Gelabert (Yam) has won the Costa Bravo – I wonder how long it will be before other top riders will decide this event is way more fun than all the hopping and bopping on the World Trials scene.

Here is one ex World Trials champ enjoying his 2nd Trials career in the classic events – Gille Burgat – what a great shot by the ocean.

Well!! the results can be seen by clicking on FB but Harry Mckay had a brilliant weekend, finishing 13th out of 173 in his class .. Way to go Harry. ( Will post pics when I get some)
Here is a pic that tells the story of the Costa Brava – 4 friends all riding together all on different bikes.

There is a really good video of this event on You tube – check it out.