As most of our bloggers now know, KTM is in big trouble, and if and how they will survive being so much in debt and with 1000’s of motorcycles in the warehouses and all their dealers plugged with stock that they can’t sell it might need a miracle. Could this mean the demise once again of the Gas Gas brand, and a question mark for Husky and MV Augusta. They have posted they intend keeping the Moto GP team going, but riders will not get paid !!! err not sure how that will pan out. – We only hope that Trystan manages to survive in all the drama.
Not that they are alone in these troubling times, as we have heard that Vertigo have also filed for bankruptcy in Spain.
The one factory who appear to have their house in order, is Beta, a family concern since the early 1900’s and who turned down an offer from KTM a few years ago, when the Austrian giant came calling. (Smart move) – This is good news for our customers as neither Beta or TRS are getting “Dumped” – so the value of your bike will hold steady. ( Plus you are guaranteed a good supply of parts if needed)
The Italian factory have already signed Hugo Dufrese for Trials, as well as the Hemingway brothers. – It remains to be seen if any other names will be added.

For competition riders without a contract, this could be the end, with travel and other expenses hard to justify. Especially attending any World Rounds in Japan or the USA.
Rumor has it that Jaimie Busto could end up at Beta, and Adam Raga has been mentioned in regard to the Honda Ebike, but for people like Dougie Lampkin, these are certainly difficult times, although Red Bull seem to have deep pockets, they are spread pretty thin.

While World Trials and modern bike sales might be in the toilet, the vintage or Classic scene is booming both with events, and riders spending a ton of money on “Updating” the old bikes.
Here is one being built for our buddy Harry McKay for the 2025 Scottish Pre 65 Trial. – Looks neat. – Would not mind a ride on that.

While it seems we are losing a lot of the old super-stars every day – one guy who is still amazing the fans at his museum, is Sammy Miller, the 91 year old seen here taking a zip around the yard on the beautiful AJS Porcupine., a couple of days ago.

As an old codger myself, I take my hat off to all the guys still riding and especially if they are competing ( special mention to Billy De Garis) – I stopped competing when I was 70, not for any particular reason, as I was still riding my Fantic OK, – but I just wanted to spend more time taking pics and promoting stuff.
I do think I’m lucky to still get out on the bikes myself at age 87 – never thought that would happen – but it’s the new bikes that do it for me – they are so easy to ride compared to the ones from yesteryear, I often look at the nice TY 175 we have stuck in the corner of the shop, but really can’t get excited about even firing it up. Of course if I was about 30 years younger I might be tempted to trick it up, with all the neat accessories now available.

Obviously we have some really good memories of competing on the old bikes – here are a couple of pics, from Canadian events. ( Check out those bars !! popular back then, before people started lowering the pegs- this was the Yamaha Canada 1974 TY 250) – – I had a huge crash on this at a Cross Country near Elkford late in the year, when leading the race along a flat out in 6th – old railbed – the new organizers had neglected to post a danger sign at a place they had removed a bridge over a creek. – ( I was lucky to escape with concussion and a couple of broken ribs – but the bike was almost a write off) ( wish somebody had taken a photo of the bike after they hauled it out- note ! This was the last XC that I ever raced on a Trials bike)

Below on my Fantic at a Trial in Stony Plain -The last event I rode. – that was a steep climb- Walter now owns this bike.

1971 and a Calgary Trial in the Forestry – snow and rain. – I managed to win that one – I often wonder where this bike is now.

Quiz today – Guess who??
