Answer to the last quiz – Bernard Cordornier (RIP) on a JCM in Scotland – He was likely the tallest trials rider on the world scene back then – Brett got it early as he was in Jet lag! – then Bob and Harlow..
Quiz today a toughie!! who is this? hint he was on the Sammy Miller Honda team.

Not a lot to report today still dark outside, but don’t think it snowed – I hope not as I need to make a trip up the Valley today to pick up a shipment of Opti Snowmobile oil. – I get this dropped off at Backus racing as he always has drums on his order so it makes it easier to deliver to him then sort out what we need for other local dealers. the Backus team have just returned from the Baja, where they have competed in the side by side class for a number of years. They will no doubt have some stories to tell.