Answer to the last quiz the section is an unusual shot of “Devil’s Staircase” in the Scottish Six Day Trial – no longer used, but quite challenging back in the day. We took pictures on that bottom corner at the 1972 Trial. – quite a few “Got it” – Brett was first then John Kitchener, Bob, Pete Varey and Harlow.- plus Peter Legrove from OZ.
Quiz today – Who is this Canadian rider ?

Here is an interesting shot from the past, it shows John Draper on a BSA Bantam Scrambler. – you can see that this has a long exhaust pipe on it which was unusual back in the 1950’s – most club riders had a short stubby header ( We made one from a copper pipe for our James) – In fact it wasn’t until BSA Factory rider Brian Stonebridge raced a 150cc at Hawkstone Park with a Road race style expansion chamber fitted that things changed – ( It was a rocket)

Yesterday I made a trip to Kelowna to do some deliveries – a rather unusual thing for me these days, I had some interesting conversations with the Power Products dealers that I called on regarding business. – All were extremely annoyed at the Postal Strike and had little sympathy for the workers, then the big hiccup with KTM -( a couple had bikes) plus the subject soon changed to the Political scene , with not much good to say about that. – Wow! I was glad to get home. ( And also that we are now mainly in the “Hobby” business)
Later I switched on You Tube and caught a bit of the blurb posted by Mike Rapley – former journalist for Motorcycle News – he was chatting about changes in Trials, and while we started quite some time before he did, he mentioned the long loops, with much on the road between various farms or moors in the area. ( I have said before that the first Trial I rode in 1955 was 70 miles long!)
I didn’t watch the complete video – not that Professional to be honest, but it might be a bit of a shock for the newbies in our sport.
What I do remember about Mike Rapley, was being at the 1995 World Trials round at Hawkstone Park, UK – and on the second day, I had found a good spot to video at one tough section ( none were easy – set up by Steve Saunders) I got there at least an hour early as the crowds were huge. – However just as I started to film Mike Rapley, with his Press badge, came and stood right in front of me!! – I did get the last laugh, when a rider got out of control and knocked him ass over tea kettle . – I think I might have muttered “Serve ya right ya wanker”
Finally – here is something very different built for Trials, an Ariel Leader engine in a special frame. Never seen one like that before.
