For those people paying attention to what is happening with the KTM saga, it’s hard to say how this will all pan out, but one thing for sure, some heads should roll. There is an old saying “Once bitten- twice shy” – or in other words people who make mistakes, should learn by them. With regard to KTM this appears not be be something that was ever mentioned in the boardrooms. – after all – this is not the first time the Austrian company has been in dire straits. -They were bailed out by the Deutcher Bank last time. — We should also reflect on what happened to the once mighty British Motorcycle Industry.
We have mentioned previously, how Yamaha got into big trouble, when an ambitious sales target in 1981, turned into a disaster, when we had a recession. – Now obviously these companies have some pretty smart people making the forecasts, but I will mention one thing I learned from the Japanese – When in a planning meeting or discussing a very important topic – always delay making a decision until later – even if you think you know the answer. Another famous slogan “Never bite off, more than you can chew” – It appears KTM just got too greedy.
Obviously these latest developments have effected most of the Motorcycle Industry, with many dealers unable to survive – especially if they have jumped on the KTM/HUSVARNA/GAS GAS – bandwagon.
Also the world economy, and global conflicts, are taking front page headlines, rather than the demise of the Austrian giant – but make no mistake, this issue will not go away soon with regards to the recreation industry. – what is that old saying “Survival of the fittest?”
I watched a video on You Tube on the KTM demise by an English guy ( don’t know who he is) who talked about what has caused the big problems with KTM, but also states that there is no way that this Company can survive in it’s present form – they simply do not make enough profit to service the debt. – As he says – the Vultures will be circling.
KTM have built their reputation on racing, and the days of “Win on Sunday -sell on Monday ” no longer apply. Also Moto GP is like throwing cash into a money pit.
Naturally you will see lots of posts saying how they will continue with the race teams – but shareholders are only interested in one thing “MONEY”.
On the plus side, people will always want their toys, so we think our sport will carry on – just with some different players.
Meanwhile in our small Trials pond – – We look forward to things going ahead as normal -Yes we are taking orders for 2025 Beta and TRS Trials bikes, and we will still be supplying parts and accessories, all at very good prices.
Remember you can always trust the old guy !!! We’ve seen ’em come and seen ’em go

Answer to the last quiz – World MX Champ Jeff Smith – riding in the Scottish Six Day Trial, which he won once!! – Pete Varey, Brett, Bob, Harlow and Walter and Pete from OZ – got that one – so well done all.
Quiz today – Who where on what??
