Answer to the last quiz Roger De Coster was the only one we recognized – as did Brett and Bob!! and Harlow.
Quiz Today – Who is this rider in Scotland?

Below is a pic of Sammy making a commercial for the 2025 Bike show, where he will display some of his favorite bikes, including the legendary Ariel GOV 132 which he is sitting on. – nothing like planning ahead when you are past 90 years old!!

It was seeing this pic of Sammy, that had me looking at one of my great books on Trials – SSDT -The first 100 years.

The wonderful hard copied book was sent to me by our buddy Harry McKay, and is a brilliant history of the Scottish, and perhaps a reminder that while our sport has seen a lot of changes – this particular event has changed little, and is still way oversubscribed every year
Here is the Foreword by Sammy.

Here is a pic of Sammy and Gordon Jackson (rip) with two of the most famous Trials bikes ever built.

( Credits to everybody listed in this fine book)
Trials has always been a very friendly sport even at the World Championship level – here is a pic showing Mick Andrews pointing out a line to 3 time World Champ Yrjo Vesterinen.

And yes we now have snow in the Valley bottom!!!