OK so we are now on the short stretch to the big day !!! Hmm ! might have to do some shopping – we haven’t had much happening because of the postal strike and the general tough financial market, but we did have Emily stop by to pick up her Beta Evo 200 yesterday, always nice to see her, and also great that she has taken to Trials so much, along with Katie. – It was kind of funny that as she is going to Ross’s tomorrow – I had to root around to find a set of Wulf boot straps he needed !! BUT – of course I couldn’t remember where I had filed them!!! However, never say ” Whoa in a tight spot !”! – I pulled one off my boots to get him by.!! – With stock taking over Christmas/New Year – I’m sure they will turn up. – My New Year resolution “Tidy up my Shop” ( Ha Ha )
Answer to the last quiz Jim Pomeroy (rip) quite a few correct response to that one. all our usual “bloggers”
Quiz today – Guess who?

Birthday greetings today to our TRS Importer and regular “Blogger’ Bob Clark – Happy birthday Bob – Go for a ride!!
This would have made a good quiz question, but too difficult for most – It does however give an idea of how tough some sections were back in the day, and remember those Dunlop 4ply tires, were not very “grippy” This rider is Dave Langston, brother of famous all round competitor Ron Langston. ( No fancy colored riding outfits in those days we all wore Barbour suits or Belstaff which were promoted using Sammy Miller) Note the “Bulb” horn on the handlebars – we all had them to make the bikes road legal !!! -Interesting registration plate.
