Answer to the last quiz – Matteo Grattarola – guessed by only Brett Clark.
Quiz today – Yes an old Scrambling shot from the UK – we have no idea who the rider is, but What is the bike? and What is that round disc below the gas tank??

Sunday was another quiet day, no snow so that was good – and it did give me a chance to start taking Inventory – Amazing what you find that you had no idea was in stock !!!
Here is an old Seasonal pic of Mick with that James we got a chance to sit on at the 1992 Scottish. Mick said I could take it for a ride, but I didn’t in case I embarrassed myself.

We clicked onto quite a good video on You tube last night,( After watching the Junior Hockey)- it showed the Hanlon’s from Ireland along with the Hemingway lads – and Jamie Galloway ( plus a few others) tackling some pretty challenging sections on a very wet, slippery day – also saw another Hanlon video of a Christmas event, when the one lad was riding a vintage Fantic – neat stuff and all very natural sections. – check it out.