So here we are on the 2nd day of the year – back to work for a lot of folks, but all quiet on the Outlaw front. – We did see and get in touch with a lot of friends and family over the holiday and how about this pic of the Shuswap gang taking a New Year dip in the lake ? Brrrrrr.
Looks like Ross is heading out to the fire !!! i wonder why they had four?

As has been my tradition ( when possible) I was out back on the first day of the year,, this time taking the neat TRS 125 for a zip – what a riot this bike is. – I’m not kidding even a short ride around the yard is great to get the old blood circulating. – ( Hope I didn’t annoy the neighbors!! – -but as an afterthought !! who cares ???)

Here is an easy quiz pic to start the year – Name this happy group and where? – the guy on the left might prove difficult!

And this is one of the things I learned a very long time ago!!! a very good thing to remember as we head into another year.
