Answer to the last quiz – Peter Stirland on a Factory James in Scotland – Brett of course was in early but also Neil Carter and Peter from OZ plus Harlow. – Stirland also rode for Royal Enfield and was a top rider.
Below is our quiz for today – who are these guys?

An old magazine cover – not many mags surviving these days.

Below is a flashback to the 1986 Kelowna Home Show with Stan wowing the crowds – Stan and Steve Day put on quite a show doing these wheelies – Pete Bustin and Swampy !! were also part of the team – We always had huge crowds at these demos – also at the Kelowna Regatta, and of course Stan took his shows all over Canada., including BC Place. – These were great times, and I was privileged to help out with the announcing.

Here we see Stan leaping over the huge obstacle which I think he called The Alps or something.

Meanwhile here in the OK valley, the weather continues to be very mild – I was even wearing my shorts on a trip to the mail box – and later did a few loops around the yard on the TRS to keep the battery ( and my body) charged up.
Finally Birthday Greetings today to Roger Boothroyd who has now been around the sun 81 times – Roger will be Inducted into the Canadian motorcycle Hall of fame next month, for all the work he has done promoting the Victoria Club. – Good job buddy – Happy birthday.