We had the Motorcycle Mojo Mag arrive in the mail yesterday – great to see that they will be back on track after the Postal Strike — We feel this is an excellent Mag with lots of stuff posted by our own Emily, who somehow manages to both travel and Test ride all sorts of different bikes.
Of course in her spare time, she usually hooks up with Katie and they compete or practice Trials on their Outlaw Beta Evos.
There will be a Mojo booth at the Vancouver Motorcycle show this weekend so we urge anybody going, to pick up a subscription, because there really are some great articles and photographs in every issue. Maybe we can get some Trials stuff in there!!
The latest one has an interesting story on Fantic both the past and the rebirth with Yamaha engines. For Trials riders who recall just how domineering this brand was at one time – it’s really great.
Answer to the last quiz Thierry Girard – guessed by all our usual bloggers!!
Quiz today. Who is the rider and who is the guy at the back right and what was that coat he is wearing called ??? very popular in the UK ( I had one)

Here is a nice shot of Christy Williams with her new Monty 300 – Christy is working hard with Michael Traves coordinating Trials in Canada in conjunction with NATC.
