Answer to the last quiz- Toni Gorgot – correctly guessed by Pete Vary – Brett and Neil Carter. and Harlow.- plus Stan down in Mexico.
Quiz today -Who is this with the nice Greeves, and what is so special about that bike and rider?

Once again it was a quiet Monday – which according to the news is supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. – people with Christmas debts – cold weather – and maybe for the USA democrats one to cry in their beer.
Again we are still OK in our Valley – bit colder but nothing too alarming in the forecast..
No news from people who might have attended the Bike Show – guess we will have to wait until Emily stops by.
We are still getting caught up on stuff after the Postal strike – that sure caused a lot of grief for small business !! – us included.
As it’s Sled season – here is a look back from the 70’s, when I worked for Yamaha and spent most winter weekends around the oval racing events. this pic shows John Arcand with our lad Steven in front. – The sled is a Walt Healy air-cooled, GPX 440 and that is my first company car in the background. John was a good racer, both bikes and sleds, he died young of cancer, but boy did we have some fun times.

As we have likely reported previously, we did quite a lot of sledding back then – I used to carry a demo around squeezed into the back of my Torino Station Wagon, plus I did a bit of testing with both the Japanese and Bob Work. ( Think I still have a bad back from that)
Below is a pic that I could likely post as a quiz and nobody would get it – Famous TT winner Stanly Woods – but out on a Trials bike – looks to be an early Sherpa T with the radial head – also noticed rather strange routing of the throttle cable.

Remember when we had a brief flurry of Trials interest in Revvy? here is a pic somebody took while I was out with my camera at a Trial Florian put on – this is a great area and could still host some good events, but it needs somebody to organize. – it has a lot going for it, with possible long loops and three quarries that have great rocks. – In this pic you see Emily plus Ross and others..

And for no particular reason, here is a pic of Mick and that first revolutionary TY Mono – Mick is to be the guest of honor at next months Classic Bike show in Telford UK ( Telford was a completely new town, built while we still lived over there and only about 40 miles away) – I liked everything on that bike -except the brown seat cover.

I took this pic of Christy up high above Ymir a few years ago – we were there for one of the great events that Pete, Steve & Jay put on – think it was when we had the Outlaw series. – The weather was perfect, so a group of us went exploring before the Trial, up some of the neat trails on the mountain ( I think I may have been on a Sherco that time as we were still selling them) – Fortunately Jay knew the area!! – I know Christy amazed us all by zapping over a huge uphill log blocking the trail.
