For History buff’s this was the date in 1952 that King George V1 died, also the date my recently departed brother Doug, joined the RAF – Yes memories.
However, today is the day when we have another appointment with the Dentist !! so not looking forward to that, also today Katie goes in for a knee operation – so we hope everything goes smoothly.
Answer to the last quiz – A pic by Roger Boothroyd, of Bob Clark in a Vancouver Island Trial – Bob was first in with the answer which was not surprising, but he also tells us, he still has that Bultaco Sherpa T – next correct was brother Brett.
Quiz today- A different one, as I’m also an aircraft fan. – The caption says who it is, but what were these gallant airmen famous for?

Below is part of Helmut’s story of his trip to the 1971 ISDT in the Isle of Man – This is the one time I was supposed to go with the team, but broke my leg in May and that was the end of that. – Turk was in that, and has lots of stories.

As most of our “Blogger’s” know – Helmut has been an Opti fan for decades, ever since he met the Factory people at an ISDT in Europe, many years ago, but did you know that it was Outlaw that got them to make the Snowmobile Injection oil? – We used to deliver drums of this to an outfit near Golden – it was not an easy task to unload them by myself !! Each drum weighs 400lbs, so I would tip them on their side, then roll them down one of our ATV loading ramps out of the back of the box van. luckily everything went OK with no spillage!!

Below is a recent pic of Former World MX Champ Jeff Smith, with his wife Irene – who in her younger years was a very good Trials rider. They are now members of the exclusive Trials Guru club. – It looks like they are standing in front of a vintage 1953 BSA Bantam Trials bike – the one that got me hooked on motorcycles for life – but one I never owned.
