Answer to the last quiz – The Dambusters – Commanded by Guy Gibson – who was later killed flying a Mosquito over Europe. – They made a brilliant movie of that raid starring Richard Todd – The crews did a lot of testing of the Barnes Wallace bouncing bomb over the Elan Valley and other locations. – They discovered the bomb ( like a large oil drum) had to be dropped at an altitude of only 50ft above the water, and the “Boffin’s” came up with the ingenious idea of shining two spotlights one from the front and one from the rear of the Lancaster bombers, which merged act exactly the right altitude.
Taff was the first in – then Pete from OZ
Quiz today – Guess who and where??

Here is a nice shot of Mick with his James, which will be on display at the Telford show this weekend – looking back I think I really should have taken it for a put – put, around the yard in Scotland when he offered in 1992. I can tell you this bike is a far cry from he Model James we had back in the 1950’s. ( Mick told me a few of the Yam bits he installed)

most of our bloggers will have seen my mention of Heath Brindley from the UK – he has been involved with Trials for a very long time and helps out Steve Saunders with some projects, plus posts a lot on FB of his exploits. Here he shows off the neat painting on the back of the TRS UK van

Footnote!! Dental visit went OK – that is 8 teeth out now!!! a very good Dentist who always calls later in the evening to make sure I’m OK. – next month we go to the next stage. – but I promise to be smiling at the first Trial!!!!
No word from Katy, hope her Knee Op went OK
Birthday greetings to Jason Munns today. from Penticton.