Monday February 10/25

Answer to the last quiz – Barry Van As – riding the section we called Devil’s Staircase at Summerland – our old buddy Peter Brown (RIP) is watching. – Barry was the first rider to try this, and he stopped soon after I took this shot. – I think the section is the best one that I have ever plotted, that took so much time and effort to construct, as Pete and myself spent a few weeks, cutting down trees and raking off a ton of bark mulch. ( Although some I found for the 1975 World Round would have been close)- surprisingly Neil Carter from Ontario came in with the closest answer, when he named both the rider and the section. But later Stan got all three questions correct!!

Quiz today – Who is this? and what is the bike?


Another pic from Telford showing Mick chatting to a new TY frame builder – but it was the yellow sign upper left – that caught my attention!!


It’s no secret to our regular ‘Bloggers” that we have always promoted ‘English’ style trials events, with natural sections – this pic is actually a young Australian lad practicing “down under” in terrain he needs to get right, for his first ride in the Scottish this year.

Below is a section at a winter trial in the UK from last Sunday – you can see what we mean by typical UK sections. ( Neil Sturgeon pic)


Meanwhile down in Mexico, Stan and Bruce are finding more neat stuff to ride. Now if we can just get him to stop shaking when takes pics!!!


And finally a nice pic I took while out at bear Creek on a February day many years ago. – I recall one year we had very little snow, so Barry and myself planned a Trial in this area for February – Yes you guessed it, we had a big dump of snow and had to postpone. – Many of the old timers will remember some snow Trials we ran in Alberta, as last minute storms blew in. ( Yup ! Dunlop 4 ply tires were great!!)


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