Tuesday February 11th/25

Answer to the last quiz – Our buddy Peter Brown who left us too early – Pete helped me a lot in setting up the Outlaw Trials in Summerland, and bugged the hell out of me to bring him in one of the Sherco 4T 320cc – which in the end I did – Now Sherco did not make that model in 2006-2007 after the big issues with the 2005—– ( which we have well documented) – We have to say the 2008 was a big improvement after the factory did a few things we (Jimmy Corkle and myself) suggested — ( and likely other people as well) – It did start better, and in fact I quite enjoyed riding it, but poor old Pete would always be in trouble- never a “Clutch” guy – he would stall it – then tip over, and flood it – so I would have to start it for him – after a while this got to be a real chore, plus it was wearing me out!! – So – when Randy the owner of the Summerland gravel pit stopped to chat and was interested in the bike!! – I sold it from under Pete’s nose !! then got him a 2010 Beta Evo 2T – !! – Randy still has that Sherco and in fact we did a tune up for him on it last year – I also have a neat video of me riding it in a Creek section near White Lake one day out with Marcus, who had a Beta Evo 250 4T – Like I said – I rode it like a 2T using lots of clutch.

Here is a pic I took of Pete when we were out riding at Yankee Flats one day – if only he had learned to use the clutch.

Anyway – it was Jay Colley who got in 1st, followed by Brett – both of whom knew Pete quite well. –

Note ! – One of the saddest times in my life was visiting Pete at the Kelowna Cancer Clinic and just holding his hand.


Quiz today – Who is this rider ?


Here is a neat recent pic ( maybe from Telford) of the British ISDE Team from the 1983 event in Wales – the guy on the left was a great rider from Wales, and next to him big Arthur Browning ( who rode a TT 600) – We had Paddy Horan also on a TT 600 Walt Healy bike and the German Team also had a few of them – But as our bloggers will all know it was Team Canada who shone that week, finishing 2nd in the Silver Vase class.

The Motel we stayed at put on a big Party for the Canadian team at the end of the week – left to right – Ken Allen – Bert Irwin (Team Manager)- Dave Rhodes, (Yamaha Team Manager)- John Davies Yamaha dealer from Brecon and his buddy. – Yes it was quite a party. – Interesting to note – that the Yamaha Canada tie I’m wearing, got swapped with the Welsh one that John has on – We still have that. — ( his idea)


And finally – I watched a very good TV program called “Kennedy” – It was the story of John F Kennedy, likely the President who saved the World from a Nuclear War – If you did not see this – you should.

Then we have the latest US President who appears to be a real “loose Cannon”


Sad to hear Dave Wildman has died, heard lots of stories about him from the VMC crowd. I met him once when he had a shop in Coquitlam. – He not only raced in the TT he was a regular at Westwood in both solo and sidecar events. I’m sure Roger Boothroyd has a ton of info on this great UK/Canadian star.


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