Answer to our last quiz – Gord Lalonde who now lives in Australia – Gord was a top rate rider, who competed in Trials, Cross Country and Ice racing – with a sidecar as well on the ice. – He lived just South of Calgary with Donna and their two girls, before uprooting to emigrate “Down -under” – I remember when Yamaha brought out the XT500 four-stroke in 1976 – I got one and after unloading all the heavy stuff we could at Walt’s – we studded it up and took it out to Chestermere Lake where the Calgary club had a clubhouse. – Although I was never an ice racer (too cold) I did enjoy blasting the XT around the track – I found “feet up” cornering possible – it got so much traction. – After that I let Gord race it, but it was at a big horse-power disadvantage to the 400cc 2 T bikes – Another bike and event that I wish I had pics of.
Again it was Brett then Harlow who recognized our rider.
Quiz today. Who is this rider ? Hint the pic was one I took at a Alberta Trial near Indian Graves.

This weekend is the Canadian Hall of Fame in Vancouver, and as noted previously, this year Roger Boothroyd is being inducted – We hope it goes well, looks like a lot of our old friends will be going.
Also this weekend it’s the Lewisport trial down South of the border, we are not sure if any Cannucks will attend, but from looking at the pics they posted of the section set up – it should be great. – Adrian Lewis used to have a shop in Scotland, so he knows a bit about setting up a proper Trial.
Sorting through some old CD’s ( We have a ton) came across these pics from testing the new Beta at Bear Creek with big Gerry from Prince George. – The top one is when we got one of the new Evo 300’s – Yes I managed to hold on to it!!

Finally – Birthday Greetings to Stan Bakgaard – Not sure what age he is – always seems young!!