Another frosty morning in the Valley – but no big snow like they have had down East!! – They have even had more snow on the Island than we have had in the Okanagan this year. ( So far- so good)
Answer to the last quiz – Heather Wall on the GG 200 we sold her – she went well on that. – Correct responses came in from Neil Carter, Brett, Harold Pospisil, and Stan. – Chris Wilson put on the Trial at Indian Graves, which was a great location, but lost, due to Kids partying and causing chaos. The Forestry guys showed up and threatened Chris with a huge fine. – ( All BS of course) – However in later years we did hear they fined Dave French ( Brooks AB dealer) for damage from a Cross Country in that area – $12,000 – but not sure if it was ever paid. ( Dave was a nice guy – he died a few years back)
Quiz today – Who is this young rider and what is the bike?

Nice to see Adrian Lewis hosting his Trial as it should be – complete with route map and naming the sections after some famous ones from Scotland ( Many will recall we also did that) – we like that idea, as it is easier for riders to remember after the event, when chatting about the Trial, usually around the campfire.

Here is a great shot of Sammy Miller sitting on the Bultaco Matador – the bike designed for ISDT competition – It had rather unusual handlebars these being separate left and right. – Ron Harvey from Alberta had one, and I think Turk rode one in the 1971 ISDT in the Isle of Man.
