Tuesday March 4th/25

Answer to the last quiz Martin Spriggs at the 1971 National we held near Bragg Creek Alberta – the one where we got about 2 feet of overnight snow!! – I had to lead everybody around the 30 mile loop – John Jones from Ontario via the UK won that one. – Martin is still very active on Vancouver Island and has just completed a project with an NSU engine.

A few of our regular bloggers got this, but only Stan and Roger knew it was the 1971 National.

Quiz today Who is this ?


Here is John Moffat’s latest Trials Guru VIP – Bill Ross from Scotland.


Now here’s a section in Wales !! too bad it’s in Snowdonia National Park


Nice to visit this Memorial spot a great place to have lunch and admire the view. ( Some rotten bastard stole the other chair) – Note the Beta Toque!! plus Wulf gear. – Call us if you want some we ship all over Canada.

Here’s an interesting shot from our Sunday ride – ( taken from the Go pro) This is actually quite steep and I had to cut across after taking the wrong line to avoid a big rocky drop off ( pics and video really don’t show how steep things are) – Mike on the left is on the correct path. – That is Okanagan Lake looking up towards Vernon, with Sugar Loaf Mountain visible to the right of the tree.


Below is a nice pic of a 1956 Norton Dominator – We had the 1957 version of this which Babsy and myself took on a long trip through Europe and over the Swiss Alps into Italy and the Adriatic coast.


Former Trials rider Billy Bolt has been unstoppable this year in Enduro – I guess you could call it Moto Cross with logs!!


We heard from Bob that the CPTA small wheel Trial at Ioco went well, but not too many kids !! Not sure what the answer is to attract more kids to the sport – but one thing for sure it won’t be by showing them World round stuff, on video. – I think the CPTA are doing it right and we did similar back in the day, by including a Kids class at our May Outlaw Trial – We would host it around the camp site on the Saturday evening when Mum & Dad could walk around during “Happy Hour” and encourage the youngsters.

Back in the 1980’s – Barry and myself talked about visiting local schools to show Trials bikes and explain the sport – we never did it – but that might be an idea – especially in this day and age. – We really think we need to promote Trials as a “Family” sport – a chance to get out maybe camping for the weekend, take in a Trial and Socialize. – That is the way it was back in the 1970’s. – ( Take the phones off the kids)


Please note that our phone land line is still acting up – sometimes it just rings but no voices – if you are having trouble please email – daverhodes@shaw.ca – or try my cell – 250-308-7307


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