Saturday July 20th/24

Answer to the last quiz – Pete Smith – Brett and Pete Varey got it.

Quiz today – A more modern one – Who is this young rider? and who is the guy in the red helmet?


Looks like another scorching day in the valley – the Fire danger is a real worry and no rain in the forecast.


Yesterday we had a visit with our old friend Murray Nutt who had been at the Kelowna Cancer Hospital for some treatment. – Murray has been living with his daughter in Golden for a number of years.

We had a great chat recalling the many memories from our times together racing Cross Country and riding Trials. Sad to see him suffering with this terrible disease but we enjoyed the visit and had a lot of laughs. Murray’s wife Lois was a very dear friend of Babs who sadly died from Cancer at age 41. Here is a pic we took last night.


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