Wednesday September 4th/24

We came across these results from that first ever World round we put on in Canada. Obviously I have lots of memories of this as it took me many months to plot the route (69 miles) and 40 sections.

Although we had to make some last minute changes to the sections on the latter half of the loop because of weather conditions, – I was happy that the winning score came out just about perfect – 41-40 sections. – I’m sure these will bring back a lot of memories for a lot of riders who rode the Trial – quite a few (including Murray Nutt) no longer with us. I noticed a couple of spelling errors – Roger Boothroyd!! who finished 24th. This was likely the largest entry of Canadian riders in a World round ever.

We still have a CD tape of this event made by John Whitby – definitely a “Keeper” ( contact us if you are interested in looking at this)


TRS Xtracks on the production line – We still have to get out for a ride on our new one. – (too hot for the old guy)

  • Answer to the last quiz – Bernie Schreiber on the 1985 TY 350 ( We did not get this model until 1986 in Canada) – This had an improved rear shock and also a chrome bore – not sure if Bernie changed anything on his bike.
  • Brett clicked on almost as soon as we posted this !! followed by Bob, Harlow & Stan. – Stan had a Walt Healy 350 but with the 250 top end on it, which allowed porting.

Quiz today – Guess who.


Here’s a “Blast from the past” – 1974 and the rider is the late John Arcand, on a Walt Healy sled – with our lad Steven in front – the car in the background is my first Company Car after joining Yamaha Canada “I Rambled” all over Western Canada in that, before getting my nice Torino Station Wagon.


We call this group minding – Ymir style!! another one of my shots.


Michel Belanger is continuing his winning ways in Quebec – this looks like a nice “Normal” section.


Yesterday we had an unexpected visit from Rob ? a new Trials guy in the area, who has an extensive background with Trials in Portland ,USA – He has just settled in Kelowna, and we had a really great chat, with me burning his ear on all the local Trials history etc – likely bored him – but at least he now knows what has been done over the years, with lots of Nationals and plus of course he now knows a lot about the Outlaw background. – It was interesting to hear him mention a lot of the US riders, who we have met and some who have attended our events. I certainly think he will be a great asset to the OK Valley Trials riders group – we don’t have a club anymore – but I mentioned that in the 80’s-90’s we held approx 6-8 trials a year in the OK Valley – yes it takes #1 Enthusiasm #2 know how and #3 Hard work. – It can be done!!


Here is a great shot of Steve Baker ( We always called him Stevie and didn’t realize he hated that)

I have some great memories of Steve- mostly off the track – at the Yamaha functions etc – plus a memorable time when he raced the Yamaha Canada snowmobiles at Wetaskiwin – This was a big deal back then, and I don’t think Stevie had much experience on the sleds! but suffice to say that Steve and Roy Wall of 100 Mile House – put on a demo !! The track was awful because of warm weather, I wish I had pics of that race – Stevie coming out of the last corner with the front end of the sled high in the air – basically riding it like a dirt bike, because the track was just a mixture of snow an mud.- full of “whoops”.


Here’s an unusual Trials bike – most people equate the name of MV Augusta with road racing – but a British Enthusiast built this one.


Many people who log onto the FB channel will have seen posts by Heath – We keep in touch and he is always involved with the sport especially in the South of England where he helps out Steve Saunders. – This shot shows him playing to the camera on the Ex Toby Martyn TRS


Here is Michael Traves weekly report.

Happy Trials Tuesday

Things are really getting down to the nitty gritty with final prep for the TdN team. Christy has done an amazing job with logistics and working with the team on things to pack, who is bringing what, and making sure that as a team they have everything they need. I must say that things continue to improve each year that Canada sends a team, as we learn from each year’s experience. I think anyone who has ridden an away event can relate to the difference of showing up well prepared and organized so you can really focus on your riding compared to scrambling to find the start line with everything in place.

On the Nationals front, Christy and I received our invites for the NATC planning event November 15th to 17th. 3 days of meetings is a lot to sit through but very informative and really key to being included in the North American Trials community. Our hope is to have a time and place for the 2025 Canadian Nationals before this planning meeting so that we will be able to have a North American championship comprising of 1 weekend from the NATC series and our Nationals weekend. Given the NATC planning weekend is the weekend following our 2024 Nationals (Nov 9-10) we should be able to spend a little time getting ourselves organized during the Nationals.

The NATC planning weekend also involves any rule changes and since our rules are now in-line with the NATC rules please forward any rule change suggestions to Christy or I and we can bring them to the NATC meeting for consideration.

On the local front – I am working on spending more time on the pegs with an eye on Nationals now just 2 months out 😊.  

Keep your feet on the pegs


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