Monday September 23rd/24

Answer to the last quiz – Triumph Factory rider Johnny Giles – only Peter from OZ got that one.

Quiz today – Who is this rider? Hint I took this pic in 1992 at the Scottish.


As posted Sunday – The TDN results were pretty much as expected with Spain taking the win – but some might wonder why Raga was chosen on the team rather than Busto?

Of course Raga has since posted that he is retiring so that may have been a factor. – Seems the time was tight which eliminated Team UK – a shame as they would have been on the podium.

Below are the results from the International class.


Yesterday We went to ride the Yankee Flats area, and what a surprise that was – it’s been many years since we were out there, and now the Forestry have transformed the parking area into a regular posted spot for off road bikes etc – they even have a toilet and the whole parking area gravel.

It was an interesting day as I took Mike on some of the old trails we used back in the day, when we actually hosted a few Trials events there. ( Some quite challenging) – Later we went over to check out the burned area above Silver Creek – this shot is from the ridge across the valley from the fire.


Also don’t forget if you are needing any Opti Oil – shoot us an email. We will have stock with us at the Trial this next weekend.


Next weekend we have the Duff ‘n ‘Dabs Trial at the Shuswap location of Martin and Julie – the Trial will be run all on their property with 1st class camping facilities – and the sections are bound to please. However as it’s a long weekend, some may want to take a ride up Crowfoot Mountain which is accessible right out of the Trial site. – We have been up there many times and can tell you it’s definitely worth making the trip. – This is a pic I took of Martin a few years ago threading his way through some nice flowers.


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