Sunday March 9th/25

Answer to the last quiz – Pascal Couturier – Brett, Harlow, Stan, all got that one – then later Neil Carter.

Quiz today – guess who?


We saw a video posted by Bill De Garis on the Ioco Trials area, which appears to be under threat – check it out. on the CPTA website.


As our regular bloggers will have noticed – we are late posting today – buddy Mike is busy, so no riding – and with the changes to the clocks – I just kicked back and stayed in bed !!!


We did get an email from Doug Nimmo – who had seen my blog post – and says he is still riding on his TRS Xtrack, and promises to give us a call, next time he is out in the Valley. ( Amazing how many people “Click on” for their daily Trials news etc.)


We recently posted a blurb on how to save points in a difficult section, by taking one big “Dab” – Here Mick Andrews shows how.


How about this shot of Malcolm Rathmell at a UK World Trial in Wales – huge crowds out enjoying a sport that perhaps they could understand!! back in the day.


Birthday greetings today to Dominique Doyon’s – Father Yves – still very active in Quebec Trials, and Melissa Andrist from Vancouver Island. – We hope they enjoy their special day.

We did hear from our sister in the UK with a birthday pic showing nine candles on her cake – one for each decade ( 90) – Happy birthday Pauline.


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