Wednesday March 12th/25

Answer to the last quiz – no correct answers – Terry Porter at a very wet snowy Alberta long distance Trial in 1971 – The one that I ended up winning, in spite of a bad fall exiting the final section out in the boonies which had the Bultaco landing on top of me and breaking my leg. ( I had to ride the bike back to camp in a snowstorm standing on one footpeg)


Today I thought we would add some pics from my Yamaha days – which began in 1973 – top pic shows me winning an Alberta Trial near Bragg Creek on the 74 TY 250 – I ended up nearly totaling that bike after a huge crash at an Elkford Cross Country ( Glad it was a Yamaha Canada bike) I was leading at the time, but another case of new people doing the set up and forgetting to flag danger spots. – This happened a lot in the 1970’s

A couple of later shots – after I left Yamaha Canada, but still sold some TY bikes for Walt Healy – top pic is at East Kelowna on a 1976 TY 350.

Below we are playing at Bear Creek.

Below -With the Factory Prototype TYZ at the Scottish in 1992 – Note the Outlaw bar-pad which Mick Andrews put on the bike – it was ridden by a Japanese Factory rider.

My final Competition on a Yamaha – a TY 175 in the Vintage Outlaw Trial at Stoney Plain. ( But we still have one of those parked in a corner of the shop)


The other pic we posted on the blog yesterday – showed Turtle Mountain in the Crowsnest Pass – This was the scene of the Tragic Frank slide when the side of the Mountain slid onto the village, killing all the people while they slept. – Jack Chant recognized this, although John Kitchener from the UK thought it was a pic of Snowden in Wales!!


Quiz today – Who is this young rider ?


And finally some great news from down South – Ryan Young has moved to a Estart TRS !! We are sure he will love this bike.


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