Tuesday January 30th/24

Answer to the Monday quiz – Marland Whaley (rip) – correct guess’s from Stan, Pete Varey, Brett and Harlow. QUIZ for today – Who are the two guys on the left checking in at the Scottish with a Beta TR34?? ========================================= Just a reminder that our email server has decided to only SEND when it… Continue reading Tuesday January 30th/24

Sunday January 28th/24

Answer to the last Quiz – Lane Leavitt on Laggan Locks in Scotland Correct response very quickly from Stan in Mexico – followed by Brett and Pete Varey. Quiz today – Who is this rider just joining the “Over the bars Club” yes it’s a Canadian pic -Snow. ========================================== The Motorcycle Mojo booth at the… Continue reading Sunday January 28th/24

Saturday January 27th/24

Answer to the Friday Quiz – Debbie Evans riding her TY 175 in the Scottish Six Day Trial. – Pete Varey got in first, followed by Brett, John Kitch and Harlow.- then later Stan – & Jay Colley. Quiz today Another Scottish pic – But who is this? Some interesting old results showing Stan at… Continue reading Saturday January 27th/24

Friday January 26th/24

Answer to the Thursday quiz – Harold Pospisil long time Prez of the ATRA. – First in with the correct answer was Jay Colley – followed pretty quick by Harold himself – who also remembered where I took this pic of him – Indian Graves – Stan posted later also with the correct answer, plus… Continue reading Friday January 26th/24

Thursday January 25th/24

Only one correct answer to the Wednesday quiz – that from Peter LeGrove in Australia – Rider is Scott Ellis – a very good UK rider who always wore a tattered old cap – which he might have thought brought him luck!! Name the rider and the location!!! It’s out West so not likely everybody… Continue reading Thursday January 25th/24

Wednesday January 24th/24

Answer to the Tuesday quiz – Nigel Birkett – correct responses in quickly from Brett-Bob – Harlow Interesting to see Nigel posting on FB – Advertising his Scorpa business – being long term etc – Maybe as the brand is a clone of the Sherco who have now gone direct sales rather than using an… Continue reading Wednesday January 24th/24

Tuesday January 23rd/24

Answer to the Sunday Quiz – Bernie Schreiber in a USA World Round section – looking more like Scotland. As usual Brett, Harlow, Pete Varey then Walter got it correct. -Stan thought it was Mike Griffiths – ( Does seem a bit of an odd Helmet for Bernie – but that’s what the caption said)… Continue reading Tuesday January 23rd/24

Monday January 22nd/24

Answer to the Sunday quiz – John Lampkin – Brett and Pete Varey were first in – Quiz Today – Who is this rider in a USA Trial. ============================ Here’s an old report on Dean Wandler who was always a top Expert in Trials at Ioco. – These days he appears to be spending more… Continue reading Monday January 22nd/24

Sunday January 21st/24

Answer to the Saturday Quiz – Dave Thorpe – top rider from the 70’s then a winner of the Pre 65 Scottish a number of times. Correct answers came in from John Kitchener, – Pete Varey-Brett Clark, Neil Carter – Harlow, & Stan plus Roger Boothroyd – who told us the story of being encouraged… Continue reading Sunday January 21st/24