Thursday JUNE- 6th “D” DAY

Yes today marks the historic landings by Allied troops in Normandy. Lest we forget”””” ======================================= Michael Dunlop has now won 27 TT races, one more than his Uncle Joey. – What an achievement. Check out these speeds on the Sulby Straight – I watched there for one race in 1957 – that was the year… Continue reading Thursday JUNE- 6th “D” DAY

Wednesday June 5th/24

Quiz today – Guess who and what is the bike? ========================================== As we have mentioned – this week is TT time in the Isle of Man – and for those that don’t know – it’s called The Tourist Trophy – It began early in the century, when racing on public roads in England was banned… Continue reading Wednesday June 5th/24

Tuesday June 4th/24

So we got a message from Pat Morrow in Japan – informing us that our last two blog posts were titled MAY – !!!!! now corrected but we sure appreciate our readers checking on the old guy,!!(Doh) ========================================= I just saw a post on the late and really great Al Perrett – a good friend… Continue reading Tuesday June 4th/24

Monday June 3rd/24

Well it seems that with deleting all the spam on the blog site yesterday I somehow missed clicking on to publish the post – that is until I got a reminder from Harlow!! Anyway Sunday was another quiet day in the Valley for us – rain on & off so we didn’t go out anywhere… Continue reading Monday June 3rd/24

Sunday June 2nd/24

We are late getting to the blog today – last night I switched everything off on the CP to see if that would help control all the Russian spam – answer No – just deleted another 52 GRRRRR. =================================== Big news stories today this just posted from Erzberg showing Trystan Hart got 2nd – And… Continue reading Sunday June 2nd/24

Saturday June 1st/24

Answer to the Friday quiz – Eddie Lejeune – 3 time World Trials Champ and reputed to be the guy who invented the “Sling shot” technique to get up big steps on his small Honda 4T – Harlow and Brett were soon clicking onto this. Quiz today. Who is this ?? Remember our post on… Continue reading Saturday June 1st/24

Friday February 2nd/24

It’s three years now, since we lost Al Perrett – perhaps one of the best riders, and nicest person, it has been my good fortune to call a friend. – I first met Al racing Cross Country in Alberta – then later in my Yamaha days. – I called on him at his Kamloops store… Continue reading Friday February 2nd/24

Wednesday January 31st/24

The last day of the month and I noticed that tomorrow is the last day for riders, to get their entry money paid up for this years Scottish Six Day Trial. – As most people know, this event is in my view the ultimate test of man and machine in the sport of Trials riding.… Continue reading Wednesday January 31st/24

Tuesday January 30th/24

Answer to the Monday quiz – Marland Whaley (rip) – correct guess’s from Stan, Pete Varey, Brett and Harlow. QUIZ for today – Who are the two guys on the left checking in at the Scottish with a Beta TR34?? ========================================= Just a reminder that our email server has decided to only SEND when it… Continue reading Tuesday January 30th/24

Sunday January 28th/24

Answer to the last Quiz – Lane Leavitt on Laggan Locks in Scotland Correct response very quickly from Stan in Mexico – followed by Brett and Pete Varey. Quiz today – Who is this rider just joining the “Over the bars Club” yes it’s a Canadian pic -Snow. ========================================== The Motorcycle Mojo booth at the… Continue reading Sunday January 28th/24