Monday July 29th/24

Answer to the Sunday blog quiz – Gordon Farley – an easy one for most who remember he always wore that spotted head gear. we had lots of correct answers on this one – Quiz today – Who is this? and what bike/year?? ================================ Here’s a pic of Stan pointing out where him and Steve… Continue reading Monday July 29th/24

Sunday July 28th/24

Answer to the Saturday quiz – Mary Driver – correctly guessed by Harlow & Bob Clark. and Peter LeGrove plus John Kitchener. ================================== Here’s a pic posted from Donner showing Katie and? Podium from Donner -Pat Smage wins. =================================== Believe it or not – I was actually on my bike yesterday !! Yes it was… Continue reading Sunday July 28th/24

Saturday July 27th/24

Answer to the last quiz – that is a pic of Eric Kitchen – the famous trials Photographer from the UK – Only Harlow got that one. The NATC Trial goes this weekend at Donner in the USA – and Katy will be there. – Hopefully they won’t expect the gals to go up this… Continue reading Saturday July 27th/24

Friday July 26th/24

Answer to the last quiz – Todd Nordin, Brett Clark Jay Richardson and Ted Blow. Quiz today – Who is this ?? He just turned 90years old. ================================ Here is a great shot of Graeme Jarvis – still very competitive at the hard Enduros ( We saw him riding his very first SSDT in 1992)… Continue reading Friday July 26th/24

Thursday July 25th/24

Well it’s heartbreaking to see these images of areas being devastated by Wild Fires. – The top one is of Jasper where buildings are on fire, including the Petro Can station, where I stopped many times to gas up and have an evening meal. reports say this just exploded. below is near New Denver and… Continue reading Thursday July 25th/24

Wednesday July 24th/24

Quiz today – Who is this? ===================================== Here is a shot of Emily splashing across a river in Iceland – sounds like she has had a fabulous trip with the weather a lot cooler than what she sees when she get back this week. ========================================== Not Trials – but a great pic of our old… Continue reading Wednesday July 24th/24

Tuesday July 23rd/24

The big news continues to be the extreme hot weather and Forest fires – Very scary situation for many folks – I see Jasper has been evacuated – so far nothing bad in our area, but worry every time we hear a chopper going over & check to see if it’s trailing a bucket Here… Continue reading Tuesday July 23rd/24

Monday July 22nd/24

Answer to the quiz – Our red headed rascal Emily Roberts – who is always on the go working for Motorcycle Mojo Mag plus on TV Motorcycle programs, and testing various bikes – but also has her own bikes including a Beta Evo 200 and a Beta RR 200 – she is all over the… Continue reading Monday July 22nd/24

Sunday July 21st/24

Answer to the Saturday quiz – Guy in Red helmet – Geoff Aaron and the rider his son Murphy – at the last FIM Trial in Europe. – Correct answers, from Bob Clark, Brett Clark and Harlow. plus Pete Varey and Steve ORorke !! ( Who I forgot earlier) Quiz today – Who is this… Continue reading Sunday July 21st/24

Saturday July 20th/24

Answer to the last quiz – Pete Smith – Brett and Pete Varey got it. Quiz today – A more modern one – Who is this young rider? and who is the guy in the red helmet? ========================================= Looks like another scorching day in the valley – the Fire danger is a real worry and… Continue reading Saturday July 20th/24