So here we are on the last day of 2023, and a time to look back at some of the happenings.
Obviously the first thing we recall, is the Forest Fires – absolutely mind blowing , with people evacuated and many losing their dream homes, both here in the Okanagan Valley, the Shuswap and up North.
Of course this affected everybody in business – and put a hold on Motorcycle events all summer. – Looking ahead to 2024, we can only hope that the mountains get lots of snow in January, otherwise we can expect another bleak year, with both fires and water shortages.
We did have some bright spots to report, Team Canada went to the TDN in Europe, with both men and women’s teams. a Huge effort was made by Michael Traves and others, to raise funds for this. We hope it did not go unnoticed. – Below is a pic of the Ladies Team – Christy Williams went along as well to act as a coach as did Steve Day. – A really big effort.

In spite of all the troubles – we enjoyed quite a few good days out riding – this was over on the Westside high up where they pushed through a Fire break. Roy took this shot – We also had one great day out with Emily and Mike at Revvy, plus Mike and myself did part of the Outlaw loop at Summerland – visiting the Pete’s memorial site.

Also on this day – we remember the people we have lost – friends and family – I listed these previously but now add one more as a close friend of our daughter, passed away over the Christmas holiday.
The Quiz pic from yesterday showed Tom Young from Portland trying to manhandle his heavy Rokon up a hill in the Terra Nova Time Trial on Vancouver Island in 1977 – Bob Clark got this – and Roger Boothroyd emailed with more info as he supplied us with the pic.
So for the last quiz of 2023 – Who is this rider on what bike and which event??? (Pic supplied by John Moffatt)
