Below is a Photo of our late friend Bucky Johnson, taken at the 1978 Moose Mountain Cross Country – pic by Harlow. – I remember that I had a YZ 400 for that but the bike was so quick I decided to quit before I hurt myself.
Another time we were all out West of Cochrane AB – riding the snowmobile trails – I recall that day I was on a Walt Healy XT 500 stripped down and studded up, which proved to be the best bike that day, as the two strokes were spinning a lot. – Murray Nutt and Bucky were with us plus John Arcand and a guy we called Shultzy. So here we are at the top of this cut line in deep snow, trying to figure out which way to go – and Bucky says – You know I think we brought the wrong machines today – we should be on snowmobiles.
We lost touch with Bucky many years ago, but we had some good times back in the day, sadly other Cross Country racers from that era are now also gone. – John Arcand – Ron Harvey – Mel Skaar -Eldon Eady – Ed McDonald -Al Perrett – Wayne Green – Danny Amor – Dean McFaddon -plus others . – At least we have some great memories.

Answer to the Monday quiz – Diego Bosis – the Trials super star who died of a heart attack at age 41. – Brett, Pete Varey, Harlow, and Neil Carter all got it.
By the way, we got a message from Heath in the UK telling us that people have been having trouble reading the blog on their phones as the size is not updating or something. – I’ve emailed Bob to sort that for me.
QUIZ – Who is this BSA rider ??

I watched a video clip on You Tube yesterday of Steve Colly’s stunt show put on in Kinlochlevan Scotland – it says it was posted 7 days ago – but anyway – rather surprisingly Colley went over the bars early in the program after doing a nose wheelie. – We have heard he has had a few crashes doing these shows – and it’s a reminder that our own stunt riders have sometimes paid the price for putting on a show for the spectators. ( for little money)