Saturday July 27th/24

Answer to the last quiz – that is a pic of Eric Kitchen – the famous trials Photographer from the UK – Only Harlow got that one.

The NATC Trial goes this weekend at Donner in the USA – and Katy will be there. – Hopefully they won’t expect the gals to go up this wall – the pic is one I took of Dougie Lampkin at the 1994 World Round.

Quiz today – Guess who


Although we had a a couple of cooler days in the Valley, a reminder the bush is super dry, so if you do go out, make sure you stay out of the long dry grass and have a spark arrestor fitted !! We have them for Beta and TRS Trials bikes ( Made in Canada)


Hard to believe it’s eight years now since we started selling the TRS – the Jordi Tarres dream bike – yes they have come a long way, but I really liked this first color scheme. ( and my Outlaw decals match)


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