Monday July 29th/24

Answer to the Sunday blog quiz – Gordon Farley – an easy one for most who remember he always wore that spotted head gear.

we had lots of correct answers on this one –

Quiz today – Who is this? and what bike/year??


Here’s a pic of Stan pointing out where him and Steve Day planned on going on the Beta Enduro bikes.


Here is a recent map showing the fires in BC

So on Sunday, I watched the Women’s Soccer from the Olympics – yes it was a crucial game against France that they had to win in order to continue, after the Coaching staff were caught cheating!!! – OK – here is how I see things from a Motorcycle aspect – The ISDE (T) has always been rated as the “Olympics of motorcycling” – and guess what the cheating goes on all the time !! – However, when the Brits decided enough was enough of this being done by the European Teams – they followed suit, BUT they called this “Gamesmanship” –

The bottom line is that at this level in athletics ALL the teams likely cheat – the trick is not to get caught.

Glad to say Canada won this Soccer game – so kudus to them for hanging it all on the line., and not giving up.


A much cooler morning thankfully – our best wishes to all in the fire zones – including the New Denver area, we hope our friends all stay safe.


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