Tuesday July 30th/24

Answer to the Monday quiz – Andreu Codina on the new 1991Gasser – Brett got in quickly as that was the first year Mountain MC started importing the new Spanish model. It would be two years later that we started selling them. Below is a pic of me on the very first 240 Gasser we brought in.

Here is another quiz – not Trials, but a man who was a pioneer riding the Greeves two stroke bikes at a time when the big British Four-strokes ruled.


There is no caption on this pic – but it looks like Sammy Miller??


We got a drop of rain yesterday – but not enough to fill the bird bath and the bad news is the hot weather will return soon. ( But it did give me the chance to test ride the Beta Evo 200 around the yard after doing a couple of adjustments)


a sad reminder of a great man and his small daughter, killed by a truck driver who turned in front of Mike’s car.- They were on the way to pick up Fish & Chips for supper.


One to mark on your calendar.


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