Answer to the last quiz – David Main at the 1992 Scottish – a lot of these sections became almost impossible when the Creeks (Burns) became torrents. both Brett and Pete Varey got this.
Below is another pic I took at the same spot – no idea who this rider was but he soon had his Yam upside down draining out the water.

Quiz today – What is wrong with this pic?

It would appear that Emily found the Outlaw/Beta Evo 200 had lots of power!! at the VMC National – However, we always stock lots of parts for the bikes we sell. – (BUT we can’t fix bruises to the body) .

Don’t forget if you are storing your bike for the winter – Opti 2T has a built in fuel stabilizer, so no need to drain the carb. – We also sell a ton of Opti Injection oil for snowmobiles. – Contact us for your nearest dealer -Outlaw Trialsport – Opti Importer since 1987.
